YKK Achieves 100% Renewable Energy Purchasing at 31 Locations

YKK Corporation announces the number of YKK sites that have switched 100 percent of their electricity consumption to renewable energy in the fiscal year 2022 has increased by 20 locations from FY2021 to FY2022, reaching 31.

Under the YKK Sustainability Vision 2050, a set of sustainability goals to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, YKK works to achieve the 10 SDGs relating to the five themes of climate change, material resources, water resources, chemical management, and respect for people.

Regarding the theme of climate change, YKK is making efforts to reduce GHG emissions within the company and in its supply chain in accordance with the SBTi-certified 1.5 degrees C target, aiming for a 50 percent reduction in Scopes 1 and 2, as well as a 30 percent reduction in Scope 3 by 2030 (from a 2018 baseline year).

As part of its measures to reduce GHG emissions, YKK is increasing the use of electricity from renewable energy, and as of FY2022, 31 of its locations worldwide have completed the changeover to 100 percent of their electricity being purchased from renewable energy sources.

The company has been installing solar power facilities at each of its locations as part of its efforts to increase the use of electricity derived from renewable energy at the company, including the introduction of solar power facilities following the PPA model at the Min Hang and Lin Gang Plants of Shanghai YKK Zipper Co., Ltd.

The status of efforts in FY2022 toward achieving the YKK Sustainability Vision 2050, including greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, will be disclosed in the YKK Integrated Report, “This is YKK 2023” (scheduled to be published in August).

YKK will work with local communities and customers to reduce GHG emissions and accelerate efforts to realize a sustainable society.