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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

About Inside Outdoor Magazine

The printed trade magazine certainly isn’t the newest or hippest platform for B2B advertising. The savviest of marketing executives, however, understand that the most effective campaigns cover multiple mediums and cut across both the digital and the physical. Inside Outdoor magazine and its adjacent digital properties offer outdoor marketers access to that multi-channel branding and advertising opportunity.

Social, viral and video strategies certainly can create buzz, but studies show traditional forms of advertising still are more effective when it comes to ad recognition, word of mouth impact, new product discovery and the eventual push to purchase. At the same time, surveys and common sense suggest advertising is more effective when served alongside content that readers value and trust. To that end, Inside Outdoor wraps your marketing message in precisely targeted and widely respected business journalism and research.

We’re not an “industry” mouthpiece pushing marketing agendas, and we’re not simply aggregators of news and PR. IO was created to help outdoor retailers, vendors and other community members navigate these disruptive years of retail through original, relevant and forward-thinking business information and analysis, along with the healthiest portions of market moves and trends and the latest in new products. To our advertising partners, that translates into a large and loyal audience complemented by our uncompromising customer service.

In addition to the mailed circulation, all advertisers in IO enjoy free added exposure through inclusion in the digital edition of each issue. IO’s digital “e-books” are prominently located on our home page as well as directly emailed to more than 14,000 outdoor industry professionals.

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