Brothers Provide Nepal Relief Through Portable Solar Power

Twin brothers and high-elevation skiers Mike and Steve Marolt, in the wake of April’s devastating earthquake in Nepal, have joined forces with renowned mountaineer Ed Viesturs to raise funds for Power Nepal. The new non-profit venture aims to supply portable solar power equipment to villages who are still without power.

“Many villages in Nepal have hydro or wind power, but many do not, ” said Steve Marolt. “After an expedition to Nepal last year, we came up with the idea to create a pilot program to provide Nepalese villages with portable solar power.” Previously, other solar charging systems that Sherpas in the area were using required their own yak to transport up mountainous terrain due to weight and bulkiness.

On their 2014 expedition in Nepal, Steve and his brother Mike gave their Sherpa an Aspect Solar EnergyBar 250—a portable battery made by AspectSolar—as an expression of gratitude for his help. This lightweight and fast-charging battery was an exciting tool for the Sherpa and the rest of his village, because it allowed for much easier transportation of power.

When the earthquake struck in April, the brothers quickly set up a 501(c)(3) in order to enable individuals and organizations all over the world to donate power to Nepal. Donations to Power Nepal have flooded in, and they are currently poised to supply hundreds of solar units to villages across the devastated country. “The only problem is transportation…the infrastructure has been demolished, so we’re waiting until the channels clear for shipping solar aid to Nepal,” said Marolt. He also noted that they have been fortunate enough to establish connections with several well-respected points of contact, so they will be able to ensure the proper delivery of the equipment.

“While the earthquake was the catalyst, we see this as a long-term, scalable project,” said Steve. “We subscribe to the notion that giving people reliable, long-lasting tools will ultimately enrich their lives far beyond traditional aid.” The brothers and their partners at Power Nepal are excited to see what the future brings.