Platform Measures Social’s Impact on Sales

Internet retailers can now measure the incremental benefits of using onsite social media apps using ShopSocially’s A/B Testing framework ShopSocially announced the addition of an A/B Testing framework to its platform. Internet retailers can now measure the incremental business benefits accrued by adding onsite social commerce modules on their e-commerce Web sites. “Customers on ShopSocially platform can now evaluate and quantify the precise impact of social media on sales conversion and revenue,” says the company.

The A/B Testing framework helps an e-commerce site in two ways. First, by assessing the impact of onsite social commerce campaigns. Retailers can use ShopSocially’s A/B Testing framework to split web site traffic so that some users are exposed to a social commerce campaign while others are not. With all other parameters remaining constant, this will establish conclusively the impact of presence of social media on sales conversion and revenue for an e-commerce site.

Secondly, by by optimizing onsite social commerce campaigns. Retailers can split Web site traffic and show different versions of a social commerce campaign to different sets of users. These versions can have different campaign creative, incentive or layout. By measuring the impact of different campaign versions on sales conversion and revenue, retailers can identify the best-performing version and have data-driven intelligence to ramp up their social media efforts.

ShopSocially platform already offers retailers advanced features such as audience targeting, incentive management, auto-scheduling and accurate reporting of every click on its platform. The A/B Testing framework is an addition to this set of advanced features that retailers have access to on the ShopSocially platform.

“Internet retailers are getting creative with their usage of social media to drive revenue uplift and are demanding intelligent tools to measure the incremental benefits for their business.” said Jai Rawat, CEO of ShopSocially. “A sophisticated feature like A/B Testing is the true enabler for a data-driven social commerce strategy that will perform best for retailers.”