Moonlight Technologies Launches Five Plant-based Technologies

Moonlight Technologies has introduced five sustainable, plant-based technologies. The launch of these tools reinforces the foundation of Moonlight Technologies’ mission to use the power of nature to create a more sustainable, safer, and healthier world through plant-based innovation.

Included are EcoArmor, InsectProof, MindfullyClean, OdorSafe, and Natural Dyes. Each is entirely plant-based, 100 percent natural and manufactured with a carbon negative process. All technologies are applied via standard manufacturing processes and have strong wash durability.

EcoArmor, InsectProof, MindfullyClean, OdorSafe, and Natural Dyes have a range of applications including: apparel, uniforms, home textiles, air filtration, travel, hospitality products, fitness equipment, electronics, furniture, paint, and more.

Moonlight Technologies is commercializing and/or going through the regulatory process with their technologies. To learn more about them and how you can partner with Moonlight Technologies, check out