Average Time Spent on Social Media Declines

Facebook users are spending less time on the social platform, and that is leading to a reduction in overall time spent with social media in the U.S. Time spent on social networks declined by 1 minute last year, a stark difference from the cumulative 13-minute gain in 2016 and 2017.

After increasing 10.7% to 1 hour, 15 minutes (1:15) in 2017, average time spent declined by 1.9% to 1:14 in 2018, and we estimate that through 2021, user time will remain essentially flat.

Because of Facebook’s large user base –169.2 million in 2018 – a decline in Facebook use was a primary factor contributing to the overall dip in social time spent. U.S. adult Facebook users spent 0:38 a day last year, down 3 minutes from 2017, and we expect usage will decline again next year to 0:37.