Black Friday Score Card

The most hyped day of the retail year, Black Friday is passed up by the majority of U.S. consumers, according to the most recent Ipsos poll. Only a third (33%) of Americans went to the stores for Black Friday, shopping on either Thursday (Thanksgiving) or Friday. Consumers who typically tend to value price over convenience were most likely to shop on these days – 46% of Millennials and 47% of households with children went to the stores, while older adults (20% of those over 55 years of age) were the least likely to go shopping.

Just under a third (29%) of Americans indicated that they did their Black Friday shopping online vs. the 33% in stores. All told, Ipsos estimates that about 45% of Americans took advantage of Black Friday deals.

Those who did participate, however, were overwhelming satisfied with their experience. The overwhelming majority of American Black Friday shopper (71%) described their overall shopping experience as a positive one, while 90 percent described the “savings”