Grassroots Outdoor Alliance Appoints New Officers and Board Members

Grassroots Outdoor Alliance, a national organization dedicated to the health and growth of specialty outdoor retail, recently elected a new slate of officers and welcomed three new board members.

The board — which reflects the geographic and market diversity served by its retailers — contributes significantly to the strategic work of Grassroots Outdoor Alliance. Alongside the president, the board will continue to direct Grassroots in its mission to serve as a catalyst for the success of independent specialty outdoor retail through advocacy, education, knowledge sharing and community building.

New officers include:

Additionally, new board members include:

The new directors join existing members Carolyn Crook (owner, Pack Rat Outdoor Center) and Tina Miller (co-owner, Walkabout Outfitter). Board members were elected at the annual shareholders meeting during the recent Connect show in June.

The next Grassroots Outdoor Alliance Connect show takes place in Kansas City, Missouri, Nov. 11-14.